Monday, August 9, 2010

Day T-minus 1

This could be day one really because we have already left the apartment. It is now a an empty quiet place where the refrigerator cycles on once in a while. If there’s something we’ve forgotten and left behind, behind it stays.

I don’t think so though. I’m pretty sure we have everything: bass guitar, acoustic guitar, mixer rack case, Audra’s camera bag, my camera bag(ette), the mic & cable bag, speaker stands, a large and small suitcase, a couple grocery bags of road food and our newly purchased cooler.

The amp rack, PA speakers & head, guitar amp, mic stands are in the pool house and will be added to the load when we get there. Ironically, the PA system is for my parent’s party and my own rehearsals, not the shows I am playing.

Audra's mom says she'll have homemade tacos waiting for us. Mmmm!

We planned well enough that there wasn't a whole lot to do when I got home from Jeopardy today.

We now (7:30ish) are currently on our way to pick up our rental car at the Ontario Airport. We will spend the night in the pool house at Audra’s folks house, the same room where I recorded the bulk of my album.

The darker red shows our first 70 miles from LA to Highland

We will arrive after dark and leave before the light, I had to explain to Audra’s eleven-year-old brother when he offered to do something for me.

I am reasonably sure the Ford Escape “(or similar)” we are renting will fit all we are taking. After all I am a champion packer of cars not to mention a number of 53 foot semi trailers. I have stuffed more gear than we are taking into a PT cruiser along with Audra (I though she might enjoy riding on the roof for a change). One way or another it will work!
Today I was able to finish my new website… let me rephrase that. I was able to get my new website up and running in a bare bones beta sort of way. “Finished” is a status websites only realize the day they die anyway.

Like people.

Check it out, bookmark it, just don’t expect too much at first.

Wish us a good sleep and pray for our protection on the road. We'll be doing our bit and driving safe and sane.


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